Tina: Have you ever read those magazine articles or Pinterest posts about date nights? I like them, but I feel like so many are totally impractical. Sound like fun, but really -- water skiing? Here are some actual date nights that are simple and fun! (from experience only!) CJ and I don't really do 'dates'. We usually end up making something sugary and creating something together. However, tonight we've got a date to the DIA (Detroit Institute of Art). We're on a tight budget so we try to not do anything that requires money. We go out to eat 1x a month at "Happy's Pizza" (its always a happy day when we've got Happys haha), but other than that we try to look for free ways to go out and have fun.
1. Go to a community event (or museaum!) together
2. Play a board game (or Go! it's this game that CJ's been trying to teach me forever...I can't get it) (Luckily Catan doesn't work with 2 people, otherwise we'd never leave the house)
3. Paint a picture together (or write poetry--sometimes we write 1 line at a time, switching back and forth!)
4. Cook something yummy (favorites: chocolate chip cookies, puppy chow, soft pretzels, bread, orange cranberry loaf, homemade tagalongs, salted caramel pretzel bark) (let me know if you want any of these recipies!)
5. Watch America's Funniest Home Videos--this show is so old school and just a feel good experience! 6. Go for a walk
7. Sing!
8. Put on music and dance around
9. Go to the thrift store - dude, the books at our thrift store are 20 cents! Sounds lame, but we love to hunt for the goodies haha.
10. Clean our apartment - everything feels better and happier when your space is organized and clean.
Wow. This list sounds lame and boring! I'm learning though, living with a guy isn't always about these crazy emotional up-and-down adventures (although there are plenty of adventures) sometimes its about simple joy and love. Maybe the word 'date' implies something over the top or magical in my head--maybe I should rename this 'simply simple things to do with your lover' list. haha ahh all is well over here today.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Arctic Chill
Tina: We really picked quite a winter to move to Detroit. The high today is 2 degrees and the low is -26 with windchill. University of Michigan closed today for the first time in over 20 years. Newscasters are referring to this cold as "the arctic chill" . . .
CJ had the day off because of the cold which means a long and productive day of music making for him, which gooooood.
I guess its time to announce that I got a promotion! I will be working full time for ECHO (a new non-profit in Detroit) I will be doing administrative work as well as blogging, graphic design, and some video editing. totally sweet.
Tonight CJ and I discovered that we have very different concepts of the word 'silence.' For him, silence is the sounds of nature and the sounds of machines are loud. For me it is the complete opposite. I feel that nature, birds, and trees have a heartbeat and are noisy with life, whereas machines feel neutral, isolating, and silent. However, we both prefer to be in nature--we just have different ways of listening.
CJ had the day off because of the cold which means a long and productive day of music making for him, which gooooood.
I guess its time to announce that I got a promotion! I will be working full time for ECHO (a new non-profit in Detroit) I will be doing administrative work as well as blogging, graphic design, and some video editing. totally sweet.
Tonight CJ and I discovered that we have very different concepts of the word 'silence.' For him, silence is the sounds of nature and the sounds of machines are loud. For me it is the complete opposite. I feel that nature, birds, and trees have a heartbeat and are noisy with life, whereas machines feel neutral, isolating, and silent. However, we both prefer to be in nature--we just have different ways of listening.
Monday, January 27, 2014
"The Age of Documentation."
"The Age of Documentation." That's what Tina calls this.
There is something unsettling about the idea that we can be known now and into the future by our presence on the internet.
My facebook is like a fragmented mirror that I can't stop looking at. Same with youtube and bandcamp and even blogger. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a funhouse of distorted mirrors when I am "browsing." (i.e. checking my notifications and analytics.)
But these things are my documentation, the proof that I exist. We started this blog to tell our story- hoping that in the telling we could figure out what the story is.
These web pages that I am known through- kind of- often seem to make me feel real. "Views" and "likes" make me feel relevant. It's like I'm calling out into the great abyss and hearing "comments" echoing back towards me.
But the other night Tina wanted to be outside no matter how cold it was. So I went with her, and Nyla came too. We stood by the frozen river just to get some fresh air, took our time, then ran home. It was cold on my skin and in my lungs.
"The Age of Documentation." That's what Tina calls this.
There is something unsettling about the idea that we can be known now and into the future by our presence on the internet.
My facebook is like a fragmented mirror that I can't stop looking at. Same with youtube and bandcamp and even blogger. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a funhouse of distorted mirrors when I am "browsing." (i.e. checking my notifications and analytics.)
But these things are my documentation, the proof that I exist. We started this blog to tell our story- hoping that in the telling we could figure out what the story is.
These web pages that I am known through- kind of- often seem to make me feel real. "Views" and "likes" make me feel relevant. It's like I'm calling out into the great abyss and hearing "comments" echoing back towards me.
But the other night Tina wanted to be outside no matter how cold it was. So I went with her, and Nyla came too. We stood by the frozen river just to get some fresh air, took our time, then ran home. It was cold on my skin and in my lungs.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
River and God
Tina: Where do I start?
I'm having tough times here in Detroit. This winter is unforgivable and unforgettable. Its relentless. It definitely doesn't give up, no matter how much I want to. Last night I had a serious freak out with God and the winter. I can't help but feel as if he killed all the things I love so much--like the trees and the birds and the flowers. I miss the sunshine. I miss walking outside without 1,000 layers. I miss bare feet on the floor. I miss having a purpose.
In a panic I went to the river in the middle of the night. I wanted to be alone, but CJ and Nyla followed me. I was hoping to find God by the river. I was hoping for a huge sign as to why I am alive and why I am in Detroit.
There was nothing to see or hear. It was silent. The river was quiet and totally frozen. Nothing moved. There was no wind. There was no magical sign from God, except when I turned around CJ and Nyla were right behind me. They are my family.
CJ said that God does not have to show himself in grand, epic, and martyrdom ways. Sometimes, God is your lover and your dog following you into the night simply because they love you. God is the coat that kept me warm and the chill out from beneath my spine. God is simplicity and God is family.
Today I cried and I wrote. I wrote down this struggle with God and tied it together with a couple of other pieces I've been writing. It is turning into a Winter Reflection piece on God. I'm excited about it and it gave me a sense of purpose today, which made me feel really grateful. I will find a way to share it via this blog once its finished.
CJ worked on a video from the past that warmed our home with the reminents of summer. Check it out :)
whitelotus - castles in the sky
I'm having tough times here in Detroit. This winter is unforgivable and unforgettable. Its relentless. It definitely doesn't give up, no matter how much I want to. Last night I had a serious freak out with God and the winter. I can't help but feel as if he killed all the things I love so much--like the trees and the birds and the flowers. I miss the sunshine. I miss walking outside without 1,000 layers. I miss bare feet on the floor. I miss having a purpose.
In a panic I went to the river in the middle of the night. I wanted to be alone, but CJ and Nyla followed me. I was hoping to find God by the river. I was hoping for a huge sign as to why I am alive and why I am in Detroit.
There was nothing to see or hear. It was silent. The river was quiet and totally frozen. Nothing moved. There was no wind. There was no magical sign from God, except when I turned around CJ and Nyla were right behind me. They are my family.
CJ said that God does not have to show himself in grand, epic, and martyrdom ways. Sometimes, God is your lover and your dog following you into the night simply because they love you. God is the coat that kept me warm and the chill out from beneath my spine. God is simplicity and God is family.
Today I cried and I wrote. I wrote down this struggle with God and tied it together with a couple of other pieces I've been writing. It is turning into a Winter Reflection piece on God. I'm excited about it and it gave me a sense of purpose today, which made me feel really grateful. I will find a way to share it via this blog once its finished.
CJ worked on a video from the past that warmed our home with the reminents of summer. Check it out :)
whitelotus - castles in the sky
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Curses and Night Tree
CJ: I'm not a very good photographer, but this is a night tree. Detroit is colder than ever this winter, so I've heard.
Falling snow has become a sign of warmth because it can't snow if its too cold.
A winter like this asks a person to face themselves. To be alone with themselves and their own walls often and for extended periods of time. Even if you live with someone, like I do, you still have to learn to live with yourself.
Nyla brings me outside in spite of it all, which I couldn't be more grateful for. Without her I would never go outside and I'd probably be dwelling on the fact that it feels a little drafty in here sometimes, instead of being grateful for having heat at all.
A city in hibernation, a city with a curse. (This city has a curse, d'you know that?)
It's not a bad thing, but its true, this city is fighting its way through a curse worse than that bambino one, some kinda jinx. I don't know what I could possibly do to help this place, but I think living here is an act of love, walking Nyla out in that cold, and I gotta believe that acts of love are good for cities that got whopping curses.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Winter Song Reflections
Tina: Listen to this while reading :) Sara Bareilles, Ingrid Michaelson - Winter Song
This winter is unforgettable.
The winter we built things.
The winter we grew and cried and tore.
The winter we ripped ourselves apart so we could learn to patch and sew.
The winter we survived and huddled and felt our hearts beat faster and faster.
The winter our bones felt pain from the cold and chill.
The winter we thought we'd die, but instead we thrived. In our way.
The winter where we ate apples and lentils--food of the ancient gods.
The winter where we dreamed while walking--and slept while sleeping.
The winter where we knew nothing, yet learned everything.
I dont know whether Detroit is home or hell. I don't know why I chose this, yet I choose to cry and to stay. January has been cold in all sense of the word. Is anything living here? If I repeat it enough will something click? If I spin in so many circles will I eventually stand straight? The curse lives in a white fountain of stone upon a small hill with white steps and white lions and baby angels. It's decieving, but its lived there for years. I know it because my dog can smell it when we walk by. She holds her breath for the stench is foul, not fair. The game does not follow rules understood by a leaflet on the back of your hand. There is no guide here. Frozen.
What is winter without a little sadness or introspection or a single song repeated until it reaches its own tone deaf? My voice is withered and corse, like the bark stretched to protect the trees from the pain (and the cold). My skin stretched over my soul to keep the tears in. January never felt so long. What will happen in February? Will I ever thaw? How has the North Wind not destroyed all? He has drived things deeper and deeper. If we could collect love in little buckets would there be any left to harvest? Would more or less grow when everything else has died? 'I am not afraid'-she repeated. Hands trembling, veins slowing their supply. Will we ever tire? Stop with the motion and drudging and dragging. Sirens - life continues whether we can stand it or not.
the gnome stares at winter thru plastic |
This winter is unforgettable.
The winter we built things.
The winter we grew and cried and tore.
The winter we ripped ourselves apart so we could learn to patch and sew.
The winter we survived and huddled and felt our hearts beat faster and faster.
The winter our bones felt pain from the cold and chill.
The winter we thought we'd die, but instead we thrived. In our way.
The winter where we ate apples and lentils--food of the ancient gods.
The winter where we dreamed while walking--and slept while sleeping.
The winter where we knew nothing, yet learned everything.
I dont know whether Detroit is home or hell. I don't know why I chose this, yet I choose to cry and to stay. January has been cold in all sense of the word. Is anything living here? If I repeat it enough will something click? If I spin in so many circles will I eventually stand straight? The curse lives in a white fountain of stone upon a small hill with white steps and white lions and baby angels. It's decieving, but its lived there for years. I know it because my dog can smell it when we walk by. She holds her breath for the stench is foul, not fair. The game does not follow rules understood by a leaflet on the back of your hand. There is no guide here. Frozen.
What is winter without a little sadness or introspection or a single song repeated until it reaches its own tone deaf? My voice is withered and corse, like the bark stretched to protect the trees from the pain (and the cold). My skin stretched over my soul to keep the tears in. January never felt so long. What will happen in February? Will I ever thaw? How has the North Wind not destroyed all? He has drived things deeper and deeper. If we could collect love in little buckets would there be any left to harvest? Would more or less grow when everything else has died? 'I am not afraid'-she repeated. Hands trembling, veins slowing their supply. Will we ever tire? Stop with the motion and drudging and dragging. Sirens - life continues whether we can stand it or not.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
CJ: I returned an e-mail to my dad today- I've come a long way since college!
It helps to have consistency in my life. Routine can be an artists best friend. There are some ideas in culture that we should just throw in the garbage, says my friend Sam Segal. The idea of the chaotic artist who spontaneously creates a masterpiece is one of those ideas. Useless- anti-useful.
Or maybe thats just my path. To be an example of an artist who likes routine. I heard that danger doom, the masked rapper, has a family in brooklyn. And that he is never the one performing at his shows because he stays home with his kids and just keeps writing rap music.
I have this dream, in which I run, fall, and sink. Three parts. All black and white. The sounds crisp and clear- running over ice, falling of an abrupt edge, plunging into black waters. I think of it as my life cycle: running, falling, sinking. I wonder if maybe the falling stage, exhilerating and passionate, is marked by routine. The idea is strange and surprising to me. As if the greatest rush can be found amongst stability.
I once had a vision of plunging my face through a membrane barrier: the feeling of being head and shoulders ahead and taking off. (It felt like falling). I remember thinking in that moment that repetition would be key to reach falling.
Tina always says that creativity begs for limitation. Together, creativity and limitation find beauty.
It helps to have consistency in my life. Routine can be an artists best friend. There are some ideas in culture that we should just throw in the garbage, says my friend Sam Segal. The idea of the chaotic artist who spontaneously creates a masterpiece is one of those ideas. Useless- anti-useful.
Or maybe thats just my path. To be an example of an artist who likes routine. I heard that danger doom, the masked rapper, has a family in brooklyn. And that he is never the one performing at his shows because he stays home with his kids and just keeps writing rap music.
I have this dream, in which I run, fall, and sink. Three parts. All black and white. The sounds crisp and clear- running over ice, falling of an abrupt edge, plunging into black waters. I think of it as my life cycle: running, falling, sinking. I wonder if maybe the falling stage, exhilerating and passionate, is marked by routine. The idea is strange and surprising to me. As if the greatest rush can be found amongst stability.
I once had a vision of plunging my face through a membrane barrier: the feeling of being head and shoulders ahead and taking off. (It felt like falling). I remember thinking in that moment that repetition would be key to reach falling.
Tina always says that creativity begs for limitation. Together, creativity and limitation find beauty.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
![]() |
A Brainstorm. |
Tina: Forgot to blog last night.
CJ and I got caught up in an idea.
Don't you love when those moments spring on you and nothing else seems to matter?
I love true "brainstorming"... when it feels like nature collides in your head into your heart and things seem to make sense. (finally).
We stumbled upon the idea of going on the road for a test project of sorts. A few weeks, a few cities, a few interviews--focusing on people our age, our generation. What are we up to? What are we becoming? What are we cooking? What are we doing? We talked about turning my car into a confessional of sorts, a place to gather cultural information and bring people our age together.
After we conduct a test of the project, then we'll revamp it, make some changes and pitch it for some funding to take it even bigger.
It feels good to feel electrified by something. Especially in the dead of winter. I believe its in the negatives today, but things are feeling cozy inside.
Monday, January 20, 2014
There's a gnome on the window sill
There's a plant on the counter
There's a sticky spot on the table
There's a stain in the bottom of the hot water pot
It seems darker outside than it is, from in here
It seems warmer in here than it is, right after the heat goes on
It seems longer, this winter, than any I've known
It seems normal, the road, but its icy
I hope there isn't any reason for suspicious people on the street to feel threatened by me
I hope the American government changes
I hope hollywood starts making good movies eventually
I hope I don't slip on the ice
I'm in the right place at this time in my life, even if I don't know why and the struggles always sneak up
I'm going to find the courage to perform my music
I'm going to see Tina become- something. (Not sure what.)
I am.
There's a gnome on the window sill
There's a plant on the counter
There's a sticky spot on the table
There's a stain in the bottom of the hot water pot
It seems darker outside than it is, from in here
It seems warmer in here than it is, right after the heat goes on
It seems longer, this winter, than any I've known
It seems normal, the road, but its icy
I hope there isn't any reason for suspicious people on the street to feel threatened by me
I hope the American government changes
I hope hollywood starts making good movies eventually
I hope I don't slip on the ice
I'm in the right place at this time in my life, even if I don't know why and the struggles always sneak up
I'm going to find the courage to perform my music
I'm going to see Tina become- something. (Not sure what.)
I am.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Lady Nyla
Tina: I'm having an off day. I don't know if I'm bored or if I'm just sad. Perhaps its the grey-ness outside. I just feel like things are off and I don't know what to do with myself. I guess the question for me today is:
"How do you make something that MEANS something?"
I have no clue. I really have no idea. That's whats on my mind today.
On the other hand, here are some pics of my # 1 girl. The lady that always cheers me up and is the realest creature I know. Nyler, thanks for rescuing me every day :)
"How do you make something that MEANS something?"
I have no clue. I really have no idea. That's whats on my mind today.
On the other hand, here are some pics of my # 1 girl. The lady that always cheers me up and is the realest creature I know. Nyler, thanks for rescuing me every day :)
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Everything is malleable.
Sure, we are born within a context, a meaningful set of predispositions, but we are malleable! From our first moments to our very last we are malleable! We are our greatest artworks.
Creativity is more like a muscle than we realize. Spiritual awakening is practiced. The greatest gifts are those that we give to ourselves, and a gift received is a thing truly earned.
Our perception is malleable. Our understanding is malleable. Our emotional landscapes, our habits, our abilities, our gender roles, our intelligence; these things are all malleable.
Humanity's God given gift: malleability!
Friday, January 17, 2014
So Far
The things I learned this week:
1. Detroiters are warriors.
2. It is hard to truly help people.
3. There are two things happening like yin & yang: Culture and the self. If change is going to happen, it needs to be on both of these levels in harmony.
4. Honesty and vulnerability is the way.
(It might hurt more initially, but its better in the long run)
5. If you want to make something incredible, you have to make a lot of stuff, which means you will make a lot of crap. Keep writing.
6. Everything is your perception--whether you are lost or found. AWAKE!
7. Working out makes you feel better. Everyone says it because its actually true.
8. It is ok to want to 'mean' something in the world.
9. I'm confused by the 'differences' between men and women. Are they socially constructed or truly ancient parts of us from cave-man times? Or are we all just the same?
10. The internet feels just as vast as space as an empty notebook as within myself.
The things I learned this week:
1. Detroiters are warriors.
2. It is hard to truly help people.
3. There are two things happening like yin & yang: Culture and the self. If change is going to happen, it needs to be on both of these levels in harmony.
the sunrise from the Water House! |
4. Honesty and vulnerability is the way.
(It might hurt more initially, but its better in the long run)
5. If you want to make something incredible, you have to make a lot of stuff, which means you will make a lot of crap. Keep writing.
6. Everything is your perception--whether you are lost or found. AWAKE!
"Clear sky.
Cloudy sky.
All the same to sky."
7. Working out makes you feel better. Everyone says it because its actually true.
8. It is ok to want to 'mean' something in the world.
9. I'm confused by the 'differences' between men and women. Are they socially constructed or truly ancient parts of us from cave-man times? Or are we all just the same?
10. The internet feels just as vast as space as an empty notebook as within myself.
Look who wants to do yoga too! |
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Manliness- or whatever
CJ: Today, and on many other days, I think about what it means to be a man. I'm surrounded by "men". I remember my older brother pointing me towards a website about being a man, which I never got the chance to learn much from. But I remember that he told me about it, and that he told me about how he thinks about what it means to be a man all the time.
I can't possibly express how many ways my idea of "man" is incongruous with those of the "men" around me. At times I probably seem downright womanish, and I am. In fact, I've worked pretty hard at becoming more womanish, and it's working.
Anyways, I don't think being in a relationship hinders your dreams. I don't think having children is the end of your personal progression in life. I do think that being honest and vulnerable is manly and embarrassing at the same time.
I think the "men" I see are being brittle in an attempt to be strong and unbreakable.
And for sure, I think that being a man means you ask yourself what it means to be a man, instead of allowing yourself to be told.
I can't possibly express how many ways my idea of "man" is incongruous with those of the "men" around me. At times I probably seem downright womanish, and I am. In fact, I've worked pretty hard at becoming more womanish, and it's working.
Anyways, I don't think being in a relationship hinders your dreams. I don't think having children is the end of your personal progression in life. I do think that being honest and vulnerable is manly and embarrassing at the same time.
I think the "men" I see are being brittle in an attempt to be strong and unbreakable.
And for sure, I think that being a man means you ask yourself what it means to be a man, instead of allowing yourself to be told.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Creations and Cookies
Tina: Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I don't have too much to report today, just a couple of handmade creations to share.
I'm still experimenting with this camera and the modge podge gloss that I added to finish off the collages kind of leaves a grainy picture. If anyone has any suggestions on camera settings or how to fix this please leave a comment and let me know!
Tonight I made my first ever batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch! They came out very very yummy :)
Last but certainly not least, I experimented with the sewing machine today! Thank you SO much Lydia and Judy for letting me borrow it and take it back to Detroit! I practiced straight lines on some fabric for a while. The hardest part was keeping the foot pedal steady--the machine felt like it was either racing or moving like a snail haha.
I'm still experimenting with this camera and the modge podge gloss that I added to finish off the collages kind of leaves a grainy picture. If anyone has any suggestions on camera settings or how to fix this please leave a comment and let me know!
Here's Nyla's treat box (a spiced up oatmeal container!)
Tonight I made my first ever batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch! They came out very very yummy :)
Last but certainly not least, I experimented with the sewing machine today! Thank you SO much Lydia and Judy for letting me borrow it and take it back to Detroit! I practiced straight lines on some fabric for a while. The hardest part was keeping the foot pedal steady--the machine felt like it was either racing or moving like a snail haha.
I feel good today. Sleepy now (probably from the smell of cookies wafting in the air...ahh) but overall I'm trying to get more involved in Detroit and more committed to routines of writing and crafting and working out--which makes me feel like I have more of a purpose here.
Today I was again inspired by the story: The Broken Pot. Please please please check it out. It is an old Indian proverb that is just magical and really relevant. I wrote a blog post about the story on the ECHO Blog (http://echodetroit.blogspot.com) I write all of the posts for the non-profit I work for, focusing on providing useful and inspiring information to our clients and Detroiters. Feel free to check it out!
Actually, I'm going to include the story here because it is really important on the journey towards self love. Enjoy :)
The Story of the Broken Pot
A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on an end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the masters house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his masters house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream.
"I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you."
"Why?" asked the bearer. "What are you ashamed of?"
"I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your masters house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts." the pot said.
"Why?" asked the bearer. "What are you ashamed of?"
"I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your masters house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts." the pot said.
The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, "As we return to the masters house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path."
Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again the Pot apologized to the bearer for its failure.
The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pots side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my masters table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house."
Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again the Pot apologized to the bearer for its failure.
The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pots side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my masters table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house."
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
CJ: Welcome to this water house. We have been talking about moving out of here.. money is scarce and time is worth more than money. We love this place, this water house. It has been what we needed in this time. A place of rest, hibernation, focus. It has been the set for arguments and apologies, for mistakes and good artworks and growth.
Maybe we'll end up staying after all. Maybe the weather will get warmer and the river will reward us for the heat bill we're paying now. Maybe we're just panicking. I pay more than my rent in student loans each month, which feels like some kind of slavery or at least servanthood. Its too bad I don't love money more.. I mean, maybe I'd be able to make a lot of it.
Anyways, thank God for the water house. For the sleep and confusion. For the thin walls that let us learn about adulthood through our neighbors, our neighbors that we know well enough to consider roommates we never actually see. For the high ceilings that allow room for the shifting sandbars in our heads. And for our youth.
I bought that couch. With five hundred dollars of my own, i bought it, a little while ago, when I had five hundred dollars to buy a couch with. I bought it with the money I made mowing lawns in one hundred degree weather in DC and stocking shelves at an organic supermarket listening to Bob Marley on the sound-system saying, "yes, quinoa is right over here, and it's pronounced 'keen-wa'. I know weird right?"
Yeah, I bought that couch, and I'll take it wherever ever we go, whenever we go, if we go anywhere, because I like it and it looks like an artists couch cause its not that big and its good for thinking on.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Great Lakes and Pretzels
Tina: Today was a great day for me. I spent the morning at Great Lakes Cafe and wrote my face off. I've been trying this thing of writing for as long as I possibly can without stopping. Today I made it to 1.5 hrs! This is huge! I hope to build up for a "marathon" write of 5 hours straight. Its not so much about time as it is limitation--the time constraint allows for creativity. I have to surrender to the exercise and let it all flow through me. It also wayy cuts down my self judgement and criticism.
Here's my character journal. In here I write as a girl (who has yet to have a name) who has strange dreams and her life itself is very basic--orange soda pop cans, her father never leaves his recliner, she has wide feet..but her dreams are strange and magical. Anyways, so when I am writing in this journal I write as her. I started doing this a few weeks ago and I've found it to be an incredibly successful way to get to know characters and start to build a story line.
--Also--I collaged this journal! Sweet, right?
The other major news of the day is I made homemade soft pretzels for Mr. CJ who was not having the best of days (something to do with student loans...yuck) I whipped the recipe together super quick thanks to Sally and her "Baking Addiction Blog" Here's the link to her epic recipe--> Homemade Soft Pretzels! It turned out SO GOOD. Normally I have a 2 bake rule--I allow myself to accept that the first time cooking something is really hard and it often sucks...not this time! ANYONE can make these pretzels. DO IT.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Awakenings Part 2
Tina: Tonight was CJ's turn to blog, but I feel like I need to add something. We said this blog is about documenting our lives, so here's to full on documenting (an awakenings). Heads up--this is going to be a bit of an essay, an excerpt from my journal word-for-word. I often have these existential, what is the meaning of life freak outs and I've come up with a new year solution: I will buy myself one of those really nice overpriced city smoothie's when I get to 5 freak outs or "spirals" (as I call them) that I bounce myself back from. It is a great reward system because I really want one of those smoothies haha. It sounds silly but whatever works, right?
I feel a bit strange sharing my journal entry with the Internet world and hope that I am not sourly judged for my current truth. I'm going to brush my own doubt aside and reveal my process of spiraling and working myself out of it (for the sake of documenting this journey).
"Maybe I should avoid the Internet. Maybe not. Maybe I need to make all of my connections face to face. Who knows. I am searching. I will find it. Its going to be ok. Maybe working out will help. Give me energy. Motivate strength and fire to fight. Maybe Detroit isn't about fighting, it's about embracing. MAYBE IT ISN'T ABOUT ANSWERS, ITS ABOUT STORIES.
If it was about stories (should I stop trying to find answers?) what would I do? Do things that generated stories? Write essays? Talk to God? LIve instead of spending time on the Internet.
My hands are dry and already look like an old woman's. Knuckles swollen. Small palms. Short fingers. Chipped purple nails that I've already painted twice. Tomorrow I am going to write and create my own happiness and meaning. If I am a tree and I fall in the woods, do I make a sound to anyone but myself? Do i make a sound because I say so or because I fell? Does falling actually make a sound or does it require others to notice the fall to confirm? I sound like Beckett. Delicious.
The girl next door is watching one of those real crime shows where they do fake replays of the scene of the crime with bad actors from the 80's. Someone is crying.
I am pulling myself out of this. God is with me. That's interesting. How about God creates meaning? Maybe that's how Mako would feel. I feel silly for creation because I give it meaning so what could it mean. Maybe he would say that it has meaning because of God. Because he loves you. Because we are his blood, his children. Maybe my art has meaning not because I say so, but because God says so. Maybe when a tree falls in the woods it makes a sound because God hears it. That means more than anything in the world.
So maybe if I put more faith in God or opened myself up more maybe it would be easier to accept the meaning of things that feel meaningless because he is there. I have to believe he knows. He hears and he sees. Maybe I have to think about God in relation to 'my passion', 'my fire'. What would God want to see or hear or taste or touch from me? It's not about me finding what makes me special, I already am when I hear him. Maybe? How does that sound? Culty? Searching for my purpose thru God. I got this far thru writing. This is working for now. I can feel him in this empty room of a notebook. It feels just as vast as the forest, except now I think he's listening."
I feel a bit strange sharing my journal entry with the Internet world and hope that I am not sourly judged for my current truth. I'm going to brush my own doubt aside and reveal my process of spiraling and working myself out of it (for the sake of documenting this journey).
"Maybe I should avoid the Internet. Maybe not. Maybe I need to make all of my connections face to face. Who knows. I am searching. I will find it. Its going to be ok. Maybe working out will help. Give me energy. Motivate strength and fire to fight. Maybe Detroit isn't about fighting, it's about embracing. MAYBE IT ISN'T ABOUT ANSWERS, ITS ABOUT STORIES.
If it was about stories (should I stop trying to find answers?) what would I do? Do things that generated stories? Write essays? Talk to God? LIve instead of spending time on the Internet.
My hands are dry and already look like an old woman's. Knuckles swollen. Small palms. Short fingers. Chipped purple nails that I've already painted twice. Tomorrow I am going to write and create my own happiness and meaning. If I am a tree and I fall in the woods, do I make a sound to anyone but myself? Do i make a sound because I say so or because I fell? Does falling actually make a sound or does it require others to notice the fall to confirm? I sound like Beckett. Delicious.
The girl next door is watching one of those real crime shows where they do fake replays of the scene of the crime with bad actors from the 80's. Someone is crying.
I am pulling myself out of this. God is with me. That's interesting. How about God creates meaning? Maybe that's how Mako would feel. I feel silly for creation because I give it meaning so what could it mean. Maybe he would say that it has meaning because of God. Because he loves you. Because we are his blood, his children. Maybe my art has meaning not because I say so, but because God says so. Maybe when a tree falls in the woods it makes a sound because God hears it. That means more than anything in the world.
So maybe if I put more faith in God or opened myself up more maybe it would be easier to accept the meaning of things that feel meaningless because he is there. I have to believe he knows. He hears and he sees. Maybe I have to think about God in relation to 'my passion', 'my fire'. What would God want to see or hear or taste or touch from me? It's not about me finding what makes me special, I already am when I hear him. Maybe? How does that sound? Culty? Searching for my purpose thru God. I got this far thru writing. This is working for now. I can feel him in this empty room of a notebook. It feels just as vast as the forest, except now I think he's listening."
Sunday Awakenings
CJ: This morning we woke up feeling not so good..
We spend A LOT of time inside, it is the winter in Detroit, after all. So when we aren't at work we are most likely in the Water House painting, writing, rapping, or watching New Girl on netflix. Most of the time, those things are gloriously satisfying, but every once in a while I get antsy and viciously self critical under these conditions. Today was one of those days.
Waking up in a state of feeling-behind-on-life-ness was actually a good thing in the end. Tina and I both put work into moving ahead, forging forward. I recorded and released a new music video, which took a long time, in spite of how low budget it looks.
It always feels good to get some material out there into cyberspace and it usually means reconnecting with old friends over facebook, and that always nice.
We cleaned out the Water House guud:
We spend A LOT of time inside, it is the winter in Detroit, after all. So when we aren't at work we are most likely in the Water House painting, writing, rapping, or watching New Girl on netflix. Most of the time, those things are gloriously satisfying, but every once in a while I get antsy and viciously self critical under these conditions. Today was one of those days.
Waking up in a state of feeling-behind-on-life-ness was actually a good thing in the end. Tina and I both put work into moving ahead, forging forward. I recorded and released a new music video, which took a long time, in spite of how low budget it looks.
It always feels good to get some material out there into cyberspace and it usually means reconnecting with old friends over facebook, and that always nice.
We cleaned out the Water House guud:
We got some painting done and Tina found a bunch of cool classes she could take here in Detroit.
Best thing about today? DETROIT SOUP. We went to the monthly Detroit Soup meeting which is a brilliant fundraising even that allows the audience to vote on one of four pitches. These can be artistic or entrepreneurial or anything really. Its also a potluck and in general a great way to meet people. Met Harry, an intelligent Detroit native who works doing something in the non-profit sector. He had a lot of interesting things to say about Detroit and about the pitches we had just heard.
This event was the definition of generative. It was a joy to take part I know we will be attending every soup we can manage.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Chapter 1
CJ: This will be our resting place. Our anchor hopefully.
It always seems like the best moments happen just before the cameras turn on, and that is the case now. Getting to where we are has been a story that might never be told properly because it wasn't documented well. Today, however, we are committing to capturing our own moments of growth, discovery, and creativity.
We are inhabitants of a place we call The Water House.
I feel that we have a story to tell but I don't know what it is. I guess this is an attempt to tell a story as it happens.
The Water House is in Detroit, Michigan. It is on the first floor of a building of lofts and it faces the Detroit river. We live in the only place in America where you can look south at Canada. I remember living on the Hudson River looking across at Hoboken from Battery park. My closest friends and family are still there, and I am here, with Tina.
This story is about art and America. And it is about Tina and me. It will probably be told over dramatically and in the end will require vast amounts of editing, but that's appropriate, I think, if one is to speak their truth in the present. And that is my goal here, to speak my truth in the present, our truth, until the next present moment comes.
Tina: (Here are the first pictures we took with our brand new camera! )
(...nailed it....)
Tina: I'm crocheting something (it's kind of a surprise for a certain someone who hopefully will read this blog) and I keep messing it up. That's what I'm thinking about in this moment. I'm not reading CJ's post to avoid the influence and to keep my thoughts fresh and real for me. (Sorry in advance if I repeat something he says haha)
We are in Detroit. In a loft we call, "The Water House." There are many reasons for this title... we live along the Detroit River, there is a watery feeling to this place, and there are about a gazillion pipes in this apartment so anytime anything flushes, drains, drips, or leaks--we hear it all. 9 times out of 10 it sounds like some kind of rain storm in here. I like that.
I think it is about time we started this and started documenting this journey that we can't even name. I can't help but feel this sense of waiting. For what I am waiting, I have no idea. Nonetheless, I'm waiting for something. Perhaps its waiting for the answer as to why we came here in the first place. Perhaps it is who I am as an artist. Perhaps its what I am doing here on this Earth.
I read in this book today that when you get old, it's not about answers, it's about stories. Maybe that is both our charm and struggle as youth, we want answers. We want to know why this world is the way it is and why are we in it. Maybe life is about laughter and bowling balls and pontoons and roller skates and strawberry pie.
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