Me and CJ are on a serious budget which makes it difficult to handle a crazy car expense. My adorable yellow beetle has a laundry list of things that need fixing (like the sound when you hit the blinker? yea well it clicks randomly whenever she feels like it). Stressing out today about mechanics and headlights and windshield wipers and money, I asked my dad for help. Here's what he came up with:
1. Get to know your mechanic. As my dad says "pretend he's your high school science teacher that you're trying to suck up to because you're actually not the best at science" ... meaning form a relationship with the guy so they give you an honest deal. This has been hard for me and CJ moving around so much, but its super important.
2. Just do it. Get it fixed. My dad says, "No one wants to go to the dentist. Everyone dreads the dentist, but its one of those things that you just have to accept and just get it done." If something is broken in your car, unfortunately it isn't going to magically go away. In fact, it will probably get worse. Which really sucks because who wants to sit at the mechanic?

4. Don't be afraid to ASK the mechanic for the price before he magically does very expensive things to your car. My dad says its ok to shop around. Especially at those drive by oil change places or tire places.
5. Try to use your mechanic for ALL fixes if possible. The dealer is CRAZY expensive and try to only use them if you need something very specific for your car... example: the plastic underbelly of my beetle is totally destroyed from the ice, snow, and potholes of Detroit. It is currently hanging on with a zip-tie. I know, classy. That specific plastic piece is most likely going to have to come from the dealer :( whereas the new tires my car desperately needs can come from one of those tire joints...
Leave a comment if you have any tips to add!!
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