Tina: Not sure if we've talked about it here before, but I've been getting more and more into diy home/beauty/cleaning products for some time now. It started gradually, primarily a way of saving money (it has saved us a lot) and then as I got more into it I started learning more about the actual ingredients in every day products and how they impact our bodies. CJ and I have been doing the 'no poo' method for almost a year now. Basically, this means we don't use shampoo and instead use baking soda mixed with water. For conditioner we use apple cider vinegar mixed with water. I love it. My hair is softer, grows faster, has less split ends, and the best best best part LESS OILY. When I used regular shampoo, I had oily hair by the end of the day! Now I can go almost 3 days without crazy oil buildup. Not to mention its unbelievably cheap. Here's some more info on it if you're interested:
my jam. |
I know this DIY product thing is a trend right now in most circles. For me, I try what makes sense in my life and in my budget. I try to make products I find myself using the most...hence I love my homemade deodorant, but epically failed trying to make lotion (still recovering my pride from that one...yikes). My favorite thing about this journey so far is the research and learning - some of these chemicals and ingredients in every day items are CRAZY. I just think its fascinating!
Hope this finds you well tonight...more on this topic to come!
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