Monday, February 3, 2014


"I do not know what it is like to walk "blameless," so I do not dare say what paths we should take, but I just wanted to let you know that I thought of you both, your paths you have taken in Detroit, that your efforts are not wasted, and will be witnessed in the presence of the Light.

Joy and Grace,

...and Love,"


"Thank you dad, I love you.

You are an amazing communicator! You have always found a way to express yourself through whatever medium you come into contact with.

I was talking with Ty, Priscilla, Lydia, and Theo over skype and Priscilla noted (aptly) how we're always talking about you. And its true! Us kids are always trying to figure you out.

Your a very strange person- and beautiful. Tina was moved by how you stopped everything to read Les Mis from the original text.

I remember how you always sent me letters throughout college. I have lost many of them...regretfully. But I know I have at least some of them saved away, and I'm grateful to my bewildered younger self for managing not to lose the ones I still have.

Like I've told you, you were born on the cusp of the new year, and you are living on the cusp of a new era. An era which you have embraced wholeheartedly and gracefully. I admire you for it."


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